Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Taste of Summer: Tracy Obolsky's Sweet Corn Panna Cotta with Blueberry Compote

This is yet another recipe I made a long time ago (last summer!) and haven't gotten around to sharing until now. I'm seriously out-of-whack about blogging these day, but I intent to get my act back together, and hopefully better than before, really I do. 

So here's Tracy Obolsky's Sweet Corn Panna Cotta with Fresh Blueberry Compote from Food & Wine Magazine. Yum!;

It's really delicious, easy to make, and quite elegant too. I followed the directions in Food and Wine Magazine exactly. I know that corn is seriously out of season right now but this recipe is really great and I'm pretty sure we could all use a tasty reminder of summer's happy bounty right about now, am I right? 

Plus, maybe you froze some of the summer corn from your CSA? Or maybe you just wanna bookmark this recipe and wait until summer to make it? Or maybe you just grab some corn, fresh or frozen, and go for it. Click on the link above for the recipe and let me know what you think. You'll see that it didn't get rave reviews, but I think it's a delicious dish and I definitely plan to make again. 

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