Saturday, March 28, 2015

Pan de Coco

Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Philippines
Serves: 16
  • Dough:
  • 4 cups (500g) all purpose flour (I used bread flour though)
  • 3 tsp instant dried yeast
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ¾ tsp salt
  • 5 tbsp softened butter
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup water
  • ¼ cup evaporated milk
  • ½ cup fresh milk
  • Filling:
  • 1½ cups desiccated coconut
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • ¼ cup water
  • ¾ cup dark cane sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tsp cornstarch
  1. Combine flour, sugar, salt and yeast.
  2. Lightly mix the dry ingredients with your dough hook and then add egg, butter and oil. Put your mixer into Speed 1 and let the egg, butter and oil mix with the dry ingredients. Place your fresh milk, evaporated milk and water in a microwavable container and heat it up for 45 seconds first, before pouring it to your Pandesal mix.
  3. Once the Pan de Coco mix becomes overall wet, increase the Speed to 2 and knead for 15 minutes in the mixer.
  4. Prepare a large mixing bowl and wipe the inside with an oiled kitchen paper towel. Once the kneading is done, turn off the mixer and remove the bowl out of the mixer stand. Lightly oil you hands and remove the dough. Tuck in the edges of the dough underneath to create a smooth top surface before placing it inside your oiled mixing bowl. Cover the bowl with cling wrap.
  5. If the weather is hot, just leave the bowl on your countertop but if it’s cool, pour some hot boiling water in a container and place it inside your oven (oven not on) on the bottom level. Position your covered Pandesal dough on a rack above the hot water container, close the door oven and leave it there for 1 hour (same amount of time if it’s on the countertop) until it double in size.
  6. While waiting, prepare your filling by placing all ingredients in a sauce pan except for the desiccated coconut, make sure to mix in the cornstarch thoroughly. Once free for lumps add the desiccated coconut then place in stove top then simmer gently until liquid is reduced to a thick consistency similar to a jam. Once ready set is aside and let it cool.
  7. Gently deflate the dough then lightly dust it with flour as it would be sticky to handle. Pinch a lime sized dough and flatten it by hand in a lightly dusted board, place a tablespoon of the sweetened coconut then bring all the edges of the dough together. Place it on a greased baking pan with seals on the bottom
  8. Let it rise for another hour (hot weather – leave it on the countertop, cold weather – inside the oven with hot water underneath) it will double its size again.
  9. Brush top with egg wash.
  10. Preheat your oven 350F and bake on the top second rack for 10-13 minutes or when top starts to look brown in color.
  11. Place Pan de Coco rolls onto a wire cooling rack immediately.

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